
Windship Insights – Suction Wings in Focus

26. März 2025 | 11:00 - 12:00 Uhr

 Online (Microsoft Teams)

Wo findet dieses Event statt?

Online (Microsoft Teams)

Weitere Informationen

Reducing emissions in shipping is the challenge of the moment. Wind (auxiliary) propulsion systems can make an important contribution, as the potential for using wind energy in shipping is enormous.
As part of the Windship Insights series, the relevance of wind (auxiliary) propulsion systems for commercial and cargo shipping will be explained and current developments presented.
After looking at Flettner rotors in the first event, this time the focus is on suction sails. Suction sails are currently installed on an increasing number of different types of ships.
Take the opportunity to find out more about the technology and its potential!

The event will take place online via Microsoft Teams. Participation is free of charge.

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