In recognition of its responsibility for the economy and the environment, the state government has launched the GreenShipping Lower Saxony Competence Center at the Leer and Elsfleth locations, which addresses and evaluates current and important issues in a targeted and needs-based manner and develops possible solutions in the field of GreenShipping. Extensive preparatory work by the Weser-Ems Maritime Strategy Council was taken into account. The aim is to match the available specialist skills with the relevant problems and to find a solution at the highest technical level as part of projects as required. With the GreenShipping Competence Center, Lower Saxony is addressing the specific challenges, conditions and wishes of the maritime industry with the aim of making shipping more resource-efficient and environmentally friendly under economic conditions. The GreenShipping Lower Saxony Competence Center is intended to seek dialogue with those involved in environmental problems across sectors and coordinate solution options. On the basis of an efficient infrastructure, the Competence Center can also offer a platform for application-oriented research.


The GreenShipping Lower Saxony project pursues the following operational objectives:
- Expansion of applied research and development in Lower Saxony for more environmentally conscious and safer shipping
- Supporting maritime companies in Lower Saxony in their “conversion” to GreenShipping (technologies)
- innovation projects and measures
- Networking of maritime companies, knowledge institutions and other actors in Lower Saxony on the topic of GreenShipping
- Further development of academic and non-academic maritime education and training with regard to GreenShipping technologies
5 fields of action
Ship Technology & Design
Innovative Propulsion systems
Logistics & Routing
Simulation & Safety
Green Ports
Structure and Buildup
Research and Development
The Lower Saxony GreenShipping Competence Center is based on two pillars:
The R&D pillar for expanding applied research and development in the field of GreenShipping in Lower Saxony, by expanding GreenShipping R&D capacities at universities, building on existing maritime competencies and…
..the network pillar to support maritime companies in Lower Saxony in the field of GreenShipping, especially with regard to their innovation and cooperation activities, on the basis of a Lower Saxony GreenShipping network with a strong transfer and project development orientation.
Project funding