
Windship Day 2024

4. September 2024 | 9:00 - 16:30

 Deutsches Hafenmuseum Australiastraße 6, 20457 Hamburg

Wo findet dieses Event statt?

Deutsches Hafenmuseum Australiastraße 6, 20457 Hamburg
Deutsches Hafenmuseum
Australiastraße 6
20457 Hamburg

Weitere Informationen

​Engineering facts about the use of sail systems for commercial shipping

In the special ambience of the tallship “Peking”, top-class experts will present and discuss the latest technical developments and prototype tests of innovative wind propulsion systems.
We are pleased to invite you to join experts from the industry to discuss innovative solutions for a more environmntally friendly future on the world‘s oceans. Join us as we set the course for sustainable development in shipping!

During the conference there will also be the opportunity to explore the ‘Peking’ and learn more about the tallship.
If you would like to participate with more than two representatives from one organisation, please contact us.

Visit us at our stand A3.108 at the SMM

Participation in the conference is free of charge. Transport between the SMM and the Peking will be provided.


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